1) 4.4 star ratings out of 5, in only 2 years of operations. As a newly established brand of less than 3 years, we have received not only food awards but importantly trusted by customers, allowing it to rank highly amongst its very well-established competitors who have been in the business for years.
2) Over 400+ Google reviews
3) Radio mentions and radio live interviews on 93.8FM & Kiss 92FM. Featured on: Asia One, Women's Weekly, Vulcan Post, Yahoo! Life, Wonderwall Epicure, Aspirant SG, Luxe Society Asia and many more
4) Total Revenue for 2021 was $1.3M and growing exponentially.
5) As a newly established brand of less than 3 years, we have received not only food awards but importantly trusted by customers allowing it to rank highly amongst its very well-established competitors who have been in the business for years.